miss u guys badly = ( Y
wow..so damn fun..
just back from skul...kwang hua
got an artist came to our skul jz now, so i planned to go there to meeet my old friends...
so so so so soooooo DAmn misss them u know, especially STEPHANIE, pie pin those....
thn we went mamak makan after the show, chit chat ..really miss them like hell..
and stephanie will go back to INDO on june...i guess i will miss her like mad her cute and chubby face...i really like to joke with herjust hope i got chance go to INDO find her lah....but....who knows?maybe really can go there and had fun??luckily we sms everyday and mms photo to each other ...seriously,glad to know u this friend u know??!!a kiss for u !!mwhaxx!! its too bad cant meeet my bestie ZANNE today..she was like kinda busy, sms her, 2 hours later only reply..LOL
i do miss u guys!!!!hope our relationship can continue, and can foreva and eva!!!!!!!!!!!
xoxo by kexin = )
KEXIN♥Thursday, 22 January 2009 ' 1/22/2009
A very very new life = ) 2009 Y
TATs me!! 1 JAN in car
a new blog here = )
having a nice breakfast today..maggie for life
haha.everything is alright in the new school,know FEW of new friends,i m in GREEN hse..yeahhh, my favourite colour.
its just a short post here.going tuition later.